October 10, 2006

Visit at Missy's house

Finn refused to pose with humans.
Instead he chose to pose with the homeowner.
Owen loves Missy, Tyler cried himself to sleep last night because he misses her. Finn just cares about food.
Really nice picture of Missy's cook and Finn.


Anonymous said...

posted at 3:53 am? No wonder why you're cranky. Get some sleep!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures - especially the one of me in the group shot!!

Love, Mom

Col said...

You kinda look like you're trying to fart.

"Me" (mouthed "silently") said...

OhmyGod you're disrespectful "cranky"!

She's not trying to fart, she's just trying to envision a life where everything and everyone is pleeeaaasssant.