April 12, 2010


It's monday morning at the crack of dawn. Mike's started his commute and the kids and dogs are all asleep. This is my time to get a moment of peace. Despite feeling like I was going to die waking up when Mike left, it's too good of an opportunity to waste. Our house is rarely quiet with all the personalities that live here (mostly just Finn really).

And it's so lovely right now!

I assume that the general public hates mondays. I don't. Kind of love them. They bring back order to the day, we all have things we have to do regardless of our energy level, and it's a fresh start.

I hate wednesdays. They are boring, people call them 'hump day' (dumb if you ask me), and they seem to drag on and on.

In celebration of mondays, I'm going to start posting some links and pictures to all the wonderful inspiration I find on the internet ( a.k.a. my reading material, really. my news, my magazines, my entertainment. that is what the internet means to me. call me a loser-go ahead. I still love it.)

Apartment Therapy, how I love thee. I will never have enough time to pore through every picture on this site. I love seeing how people decorate their spaces, their use of colour (some c-razy), and the amazing architecture of their homes. LOVE this site!

A stitch in dye is to die for. She designs and dyes her own fabrics, then turns them into amazing creations like these pillows:

Finally, Color Me Katie! She's amazing, really. I'm pretty sure I would love to be a fly on her wall. She's a street artist, photographer and I'm sure creative in every aspect of her life.

Case in point.

Have a wonderful monday!

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